Judge: Mrs M Keeves
Dog CC : YATES-JOHNSON, Mrs J M Pendley Seafarer Res Dog CC : SHANNON, Miss B & STORR, D & MIDDLEHURST, M Brenndarcy It's Magic (ai) Bitch CC : FELTERS & RUMENS, Messrs A & R A Ch Birselaw Caol Ila At Landbuck JW Res Bitch CC : SHAW, Mr Iain Ch Tycadno Star Attraction At Honeyhall Best Puppy : FELTERS & RUMENS, Messrs A & R A Landbuck Amethyst Best Veteran : LAMB, Ms Josephine & SALTMARSH, Mr Bernard Birselaw Come Dancing With Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh | |
Dogs | Bitches |
VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: LAMB, Ms Josephine & SALTMARSH, Mr Bernard Birselaw Come Dancing With Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh | 1st: SMITH, Miss Josephine Cannwood Misty Dawn At Gethlee |
PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: LAMB, Ms Josephine & SALTMARSH, Mr Bernard Tycadno Shining Star Around Macmoon 2nd: PETTS, Mrs & Mr J & C Doonrae Ursa Major 3rd: PARKIN, Mrs E R Mosspur Into The Shadows | PB (2 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: FELTERS & RUMENS, Messrs A & R A Landbuck Amethyst |
JD (2 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: SINCLAIR, Miss Janet Gabrielle & TOTHILL, Mrs Juli Tycadno Quick Shot | JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1 1st: SHAW, Mr Iain Ch Tycadno Star Attraction At Honeyhall |
PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: DODDS, Mrs Patricia Droverlaw Follow My Shadow | PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: PARKIN, Mrs E R Svendalens Dancing Queen 2nd: DENNIS, Miss S & WAITES, Mrs Alison Svendalens Snow Drop 3rd: SHANNON, Miss B & STORR, MR DANNY Brenndarcy Witches Promise Res: WRIGHT, Mrs Gwynne Brenndarcy Spellbinding For Glennmonte |
LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: YATES-JOHNSON, Mrs J M Pendley Seafarer | LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: WAUGH, Mrs A Dazzle Me At Tribannon 2nd: SMITH, Miss Josephine Cloverbrook Shining Star Over Gethlee |
OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: SHANNON, Miss B & STORR, D & MIDDLEHURST, M Brenndarcy It's Magic (ai) 2nd: WAUGH, Mrs A Ch Glenrood Galaxy At Tribannon 3rd: DENNIS, Miss S & GODDARD, Ms Angela & WAITES, Mrs Ch Good Times Ahead With Oudenarde | OB (4 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: FELTERS & RUMENS, Messrs A & R A Ch Birselaw Caol Ila At Landbuck JW 2nd: FIRTH, Mr Alan & FIRTH, Mrs L & FIRTH, Miss A Ch Cairngold Chiquitita |
Click on photo for Full Image View
Jane Keeves awarding BOB to Pendley Seafarer
BOB Pendley Seafarer BOS Ch Birselaw Caol Ila at Landbuck BPIB Landbuck Amethyst BVIB Birselaw Come Dancing with Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh
Judge Jane Keeves awarding DCC to Joanne Johnson with Pendley Seafarer
DCC Pendley Seafarer Judge Jane Keeves BCC Birselaw Caol Ila at Landbuck
DCC Pendley Seafarer Judge Jane Keeves RDCC Brenndarcy Its Magic Ai BPD Tycadno Shining Star around Macmoon BVD Birselaw Come Dancing with Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh
BCC Ch Birselaw Caol Ila at Landbuck Judge Jane Keeves RBCC Tycadno Star Attraction at Honeyhall BPB Landbuck Amethyst BVB Cannwood Misty Dawn at Gethlee
Judge awarding BPIB to Richard Rumens with Landbuck Amethyst
Judge awarding BVIB to Jo Lamb with Birselaw Come Dancing with Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh
VD Birselaw Come Dancing with Macmoon OSW JW ShCEx Sh
PD Tycadno Shining Star Around Macmoon Doonrae Ursa Major Mosspur into the Shadows
JD Tycadno Quickshot
LD Pendley Seafarer
PGD Droverlaw Follow My Shadow
OD Brenndarcy Its Magic Ai Ch Glenrood Galaxy at Tribannon Ch Good Times Ahead with Oudenarde
PB Landbuck Amethyst
JB Ch Tycadno Star Atraction at Honeyhall
PGB L to R Res Brenndarcy Spellbinding for Glenmonte 3rd Brenndarcy Witches Promise 2nd Svendalens Snow Drop 1st Svendalens Dancing Queen
LB L to R 2nd Cloverbrook Shining Star over Gethlee 1st Dazzle Me at Tribannon
OB L to R 2nd Ch Cairngold Chiquitita 1st Ch Birselaw Caol Ila at Landbuck JW
VB Cannwood Misty Dawn at Gethlee 1