Parade of Champions 2024
Nor Ch Corynthean Sunspotter at Motoppen
Ch Whispers at Dawn at Glenrood
Ch Uniquecottage Grey Borage
Ch Tycadno Tom Foolery
Ch Tom Tricks Jocan Ty Cadno
Ch Svendalens Snow Knight
Ch Pendley Seafarer
Ch Good Times Ahead with Oudenarde
Ch Glenrood Galaxy at Tribannon
Ch Doonrae Sentinel
Ch Cloverbrook Unbreakable at Woodthorpe
Ch Cloverbrook Game Set nMatch
Ch Carradine Precious Pumpkin Pie
Ch Carradine Picadd Lilly
Ch Carradine George Flies with Harkinleigh
Ch Carradine Arfa Pint
Ch Carradine Apple Jack
Ch Cairngold Chiquitita
Ch Cairngold Chico JW
Bel, Lux & Int Ch Marie's Magic Pocketful of Dutch Gold