Welcome to the Midland Cairn Terrier Club’s Website

The Midland Cairn Terrier Club was established in 1981 and now has around 250 members from the UK and overseas.

The Club holds an Open show, usually in March, a Fun Day for pet owners in October and a Championship show in December. All are held in the Midlands area.

The Club is a member of the Cairn Terrier Breed Council and takes an active part in helping to train new judges in our breed.

The Club welcomes new members and once a member you will be notified by email of all Club shows and events.  You can find further details about how to join the Club by clicking on “membership” under Club Information in above menu.

Since the formation of the Cairn Terrier Breed Council in 2023, a lot of the information previously included on the Midland CTC’s website can now be found on the website for the Cairn Terrier Breed Council click button below:-