Judge: Brenda Shannon
RDCC Felters & Rumens’ Ch. Landbuck Kingsman BPD Keeves’ Seveek Guilded Dream BCC & BIS Felters & Rumens’ Landbuck La Voix RBCC Soper’s Elitecharm Show Girl BPB & BPIS Shoplands Tom Tricks’s Little Hot Kiskadee At Cherrycrack (Imp SWE) naf BVIS Lamb & Saltmarsh’s Birselaw Dark Charmer For Macmoon Shcm | |
Dogs | Bitches |
MPD (3, 1 Abs) 1. Keeves Seveek Guilded Dream (Best Puppy Dog) 2. Saich’s Lindcoly Outta Sight Naf | MPB (4) 1. Shopland’s Tom Tricks Little Hot Kiskadee At Cherrycrack (Imp Swe) Naf (Best Puppy Bitch) 2. Saich’s Lindcoly Annie Oakley Naf 3. Metcalf-Sault’s Cannwood Can’t Get Enough 4. Saich’s Lindoly I Don’t Want A Lover |
PD (1) 1. Saich’s Lindcoly Outta Sight Naf | PB (6, 2 Abs) 1. Saich’s Lindcoly Witches Brew Naf 2. Metcalf-Sault’s Cannwood Can’t Get Enough 3. Saich’s Lindcoly Miss Custard Naf 4. Saich’s Lindcoly Put A Ring On It Naf |
JD (2) 1. Thomas’s Tom Trick’s Jocan Ty Cadno (Imp Swe) 2. Morley’s Kanawha Spy Man | JB (5, 1 Abs) 1. Waugh’s Glory Daze At Tribannon 2. Saich’s Lindcoly Turning Back Time 3. Keeves’ Seveek Licence To Dream 4. Saich’s Lindcoly Ocean Dream |
MD (2) 1. Saich’s Lindcoly Outta Sight Naf 2. Parker-Tucker’s Uniquecottage Red Carne | MB (7, 4 Abs) 1. Goldfinch’s Kanawha Never Say Never 2. Osborn’s Tweslam Be Gin The Magic 3. Bubb’s Wandris Strike A Light |
ND (2) 1. Peers’ Tweedisle Charismatic Guy 2. Fanning’s Lindcoly The Great Oz | NB (6, 1 Abs) 1. Metcalf-Sault’s Cannwood Quiet Reflections 2. Inett & Harrison’s Carradine Wilma 3. Peers’ Tweedisle Enchanted Lady 4. Parker-Tucker’s Uniquecottage Silver Solo 5. Bubb’s Wandris Strike A Light |
UGD (3, 1 Abs) 1. Parker-Tucker’s Uniquecottage Grey Borage 2. Coe’s Kimmi A Coestar | UGB (3, 3abs) |
SBD (2) 1. Coe’s Kimmi A Coestar 2. Morley’s Kanawha Spy Man | SBB (2) 1. Hiam’s Carradine Dottie 2. Metcalf-Sault’s Cannwood Can’t Get Enough |
GD (No Entries) | GB (3) 1. Osborn’s Tweslam Days Of Magic 2. Thompson’s Castleline Maitree 3. Mcintyre’s Cannwood Quiet Whisper |
PGD (1) 1. Fanning’sLindcoly The Great Oz | PGB (9, 4 Abs) 1. Soper’s Elitecharm Showgirl 2. Keeves’ Seveek Everlasting Dream 3. Saich’s Lindcoly Golden Mercedes 4. Bubb’s Lindcoly Strike A Pose 5. Mcintyres’s Cannwood Celtic Charm |
LD (6) 1. Hiam’s Carradine Podgy Paddie 2. Parker-Tucker’s Tom Trick’s Incredibly Ilay Of Uniquecottage (Imp Swe) 3. Weinberger’s Cruzo Chorister With Correnie 4. Lamb & Saltmarsh’s Birselaw Come Dancing With Macmoon Osw Jw Shcex Shcm 5. Saich’s Stoutheart Einstein For Lindcoly | LB (4, 1 Abs) 1. Felters & Rumens Landbuck La Voix 2. Robinson’s Cruzo Classical Dream 3. Metcalf-Sault’s Cannwood Quiet Reflections |
OD (4, 1 Abs) 1. Felters & Rumens Landbuck Kingsman 2. Weinberger’s Cruzo Copper Coin For Correnie 3. Inett & Harrison’s Carradine In ‘N Out Mr Sprout | OB (8, 3 Abs) 1. Kinton’s Cloverbrook Unbreakable At Woodthorpe 2. Dolan’s Whispers At Dawn At Glenrood 3. Inett, Harrison & Clayton’s Carradine Jo 4. Goldfinch’s Tycadno Bright Star For Kanawha 5. Smith’s Cannwood Misty Dawn At Gethlee |
SV Dog Or Bitch 10 Years + (1) 1. Lamb & Saltmarsh’s Renshaw There And Back Again Under Macmoon Shcm Vw Ir Vet Ch |
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BCC & BIS Landbuck La Voix, Brenda Shannon, DCC, RBIS & BOS Tom Trick’s Jocan Ty Cadno & BPIS Tom Tricks Little Hot Kiskadee at Cherrycrack
BIS & DCC Tom Tricks Jocan Ty Cadno & Ch Landbuck Kingsman
BCC & BIS Landbuck La Voix, RBCC Elitecharm Showgirl
BPB & BPIS Tom Trick’s Little Hot Kiskadee at Cherrycrack
BVIS Birselaw Dark Charmer For Macmoon
SVDB 7 to 9 Birselaw Dark Charmer for Macmoon Sh Cm & Lindcoly Holwing Mad Murdoc
PD, Lindcoly Outta Sight
BPD Seveek Guilded Dream, Judge Brenda Shannon & BVDB Birselaw Dark Charmer For Macmoon Shcm
UGD, Uniquecottage Grey Borage & Kimmi A Coestar
PGD, Lindcoly The Great Oz
OD, Ch Landbuck Kingsman, Cruzo Copper Coin for Correnie & Ch Carradine In n'Out Mr Sprout
SVD 10+ Renshaw There and Back Again under Macmoon ShCm VW Ir Vet Ch
PB, Lindcoly Witches Brew, Cannwood Can't Get Enough & Lindcoly Miss Custard
PGB, Elitecharm Showgirl & Seveek Everlasting Dream
SBB, Carradine Dottie & Cannwood Can't Get Enough
OB, Ch Cloverbrook Unbreakable at Woodthorpe, Whispers at Dawn at Glenrood, Carradine Jo & Tycadno Bright Star for Kanawha
MPD, Seveek Guilded Dream & Lindcoly Outta Sight
JD, Tom Tricks Jocan Ty Cadno & Kanawha Spy Man
MD, Lindcoly Outta Sight & Uniquecottage Red Carne
ND, Tweedisle Charismatic Guy & Lindcoly The Great Oz
LD, Carradine Podgie Paddie & Tom Trick Incredibly Ilay of Uniquecottage
MPB, Tom Tricks Little Hot Kiskadee at Cherrycrack, Lindcoly Annie Oakley & Cannwood Can't Get Enough
JB, Glory Daze at Tribannon & Lindcoly Turning Back Time
MB, Kanawha Never Say Nver & Tweslam Be Gin The Magic
NB, Cannwood Quiet Reflections, Carradine Wilma & Tweedisle Enchanted Lady
GB, Tweslam Days of Magic, Castleline Maitree
LB, Landbuck La Voix, Cruzo Classical Dream & Cannwood Quiet Reflections