Judge: Karen Saich

BIS & BB: Dolan’s Glenrood Midnight Spell
RBB & RBIS: Felters & Rumens’ Birselaw Caol Ila At Landbuck
BOS & BD: Waugh’s Glenrood Galaxy
RBD: Lucas & Tobutt’s Seveek Country Lad
BPIS & BP : Munday’s Furythor Marvel At Me
BVIS & Oldest Vet:: Dolan’s Ch Glenrood Scheherazade
Dogs Bitches
D/B 3,1a
1. Ch Glenrood Scheherazade
2. Cannwood Misty Dawn At Gethlee
SBD/B 2,1a
1. Cannwood Quiet Reflections
PD 1,1aPB 4.0a
1. Furythor Marvel At Me
2. Cloverbrook Rising Star Over Gethlee
3. Carradine Tel Laura I Luv’er
4. Svendalens Snowdrop

JD 1,0a
1. Carradine Arfa Pint
2. Swing Dancer At Tribannon
JB 2,1a
1. Glenrood Midnight Spell
PGD 5,0a
1. Glenrood Galaxy At Tribannon
2. Seveek Country Lad
3. Mosspur Time And Again
4. Seveek Guilded Dream
5. Carradine Bumbling Boris

PGB 4,0a
1. Seveek Peaches n Dreams
2. Birselaw Cora At Cairngold
3. Carradine Precious Pumpkin Pie
4. Cannwood Quiet Reflections
LD 1,0a
1. Lentrica Mystic Warrior
LB 4,0a
1. Birselaw Caol Ila At Landbuck
2. Glenrood Dance Till Dusk
3. Seveek Licence to Dream
4. Castleline Maitree
OD 3,1a
1. Brenndarcy It’s Magic (AI)
OB 2,0a
1. Seveek Everlasting Dream
2. Cairngold Brandysnap By Jorvickairn