Judge: Christine Soper

BD & BIS: Dennis, Waites & Goddard’s Good Times Ahead With udenarde
RBD & RBIS: Purvis’ Mosspur Time And Again
BPD & BPIS: Shannon, Storr & Middlehurst’s Brenndarcy It’s Magic AI
BB & BOS: Petts’ Raskens Joan Jett For Doonrae (Swed Imp)
RBB: Firth’s Cairngold Chiquitita
BPB & BOSP: Purvis’ Springtime Rose At Mosspur
BVIS: Birselaw Dark Charmer For Macmoon Shcm
Oldest VIS: Brenndarcy Maid In Heaven
Dogs Bitches
VD/B 3,0a
1. Renshaw There and Back Again Under
2. Macmoon Sh Cm VW Ir Vet Ch
3. Ch Carradine George Flies With Harkinleigh ShCm
4. Brenndarcy Maid In Heaven
1. Cannwood Call Me Aggie
2. Carradine Bumbling Boris
MPD 1,0a
1. Brenndarcy It’s Magic AI
MPB 2,0A
1. Springtime Rose At Mosspur
2. Carradine Minnie Maisie
PD No entriesPB 3,2A
1. Springtime Rose At Mosspur

JD No EntriesJB 4,2A
1. Carradine Wilma
2. Doonrae Rebel Rebel Among Brenndarcy
YD 4,2a
1. Mosspur Time And Again
2. Carradine Podgy Paddie
3. Tweedisle Charismatic Guy
YB 4,1A
1. Raskens Joan Jett for Doonrae (Swed Imp)
2. Cannwood Quiet Reflections
3. Tweedisle Enchanted Lady
PGD 3,2a
1. Tweedisle Jaunty Lad
2. Carradine Whiskey Mac
PGB 3,0A
1. Carradine Mary
2. Carradine Mon Mon Sherry
3. Cannwood Call Me Aggie
LD 3,1a
1. Good Times Ahead With Oudenarde
2. Birselaw Dark Charmer for Macmoon Shm
LB 3,1A
1. Cannwood Quiet Reflections
2. Carradine Fizz Bomb
OD 2,1a
1. Birselaw Come Dancing With
2. Macmoon OSW JW ShCm ShCEx
OB 4,3A
1. Cairngold Chiquitita