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2007 Reports


Border Union Agricultural Society Championship Show

 16th June 2007 - Cairn Terrier

Judge: Graham Peers

66 dogs


DCC; Shopland’s Cherrycrack Mack The Knife

RDCC; Catto’s Birselaw Daydream Believer

BCC & BOB; Percy’s Winetta Who's That Girl

RBCC; Shannon, Storr & Culliford’s Brenndarcy Be Bop Deluxe

BP; Munday’s Birselaw Firebird Of Stradivarius


DCC Cherrycrack Mack The Knife, Maggie Shopland, Judge Graham Peers, Joan Percy & BCC Winneta Who’s That Girl

Best Puppy Birselaw Firebird Of Stradivarius & Ray Munday.




 More Photographs After Results, Critique after results

Min Puppy – Dog 2,0a

1st Lindcoly Aztec Warrior Naf (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

2nd Minorcas Minstrel Boy (Mr L Burton)


Puppy – Dog 3,1a

1st Rocasovale Razzle Dazzle (Mrs J Smith)

2nd Lindcoly Aztec Warrior Naf (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)


Junior – Dog 5,0a

1st Birselaw Daydream Believer (Miss Y Catto)

2nd Twohoots Barnabas (Mr A J & Mrs C Stephinson)

3rd Kiataia Masquerade (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

Res Minorcas Lucky Seven (Mr L Burton)

Vhc Russcot Rising Star (Mr W & Mrs N Hodgkins)


Post Grad – Dog 4,1a

1st Winetta Jimmy Mack (Mrs J Percy)

2nd Lindcoly Golden Legend (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

3rd Nutshki Dark Knight For Noncom (Mr M J & Mrs B Burgin)


Limit – Dog 10.4a

1st Cherrycrack Mack The Knife (Mrs M E J Shopland)

2nd Lindcoly High Flyer (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

3rd Brenndarcy Spellbinder (Miss B & Mr D Shannon & Storr)

Res Cairngold Jackpot (Mr A & Miss A, Mrs G Firth & Jones)

Vhc Sandaig Shearer (Mrs P Jeffrey)


Open – Dog 6,2a

1st Ch Sybster Spring Time Shcm (Mr & Mrs J A Berrecloth)

2nd Hector Of The Glen (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

3rd Birselaw Billy The Kid Of Kapplegill (Mrs K L Evans)

Res Brenndarcy Danger Mouse (Mrs S Treglown)

Min Puppy – Bitch 4,0a

1st Birselaw Firebird Of Stradivarius (Mr R Munday)

2nd Birselaw Just A Moment (Miss Y Catto)

3rd Lindcoly I Luv To Boogie (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

Res Carocairn As You Like It (Mrs C Clarke)


Puppy – Bitch 4,1a

1st Lindcoly She's Got The Look (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

2nd Rocasovale It's Up To You (Mrs J Smith)

3rd Cornton Eileanach (Miss H M P Miller)


Junior – Bitch 7,1a

1st Larchlea Knot To Be Mist (Mrs C Templeton)

2nd Honeyhall Headstrong (Mrs E B & Mr I L B Shaw)

3rd Winetta A Your'e Adorable (Mrs J Percy)

Res Lindcoly Truly Unruly (Mr C J & Mrs L M Saich)

Vhc Twohoots Agnes (Mr A J & Mrs C Stephinson)


Novice – Bitch 3,1a

1st Doonrae Gold Digger (Mrs J & Mr C & Mrs M Petts & Jennings)

2nd Cornton Riabhach (Miss H M P Miller)


Post Grad – Bitch 6,2a

1st Strathgarten Kenmilfore Lady Marmalade (Mrs C Marshall)

2nd Cairngrove Shadow Dancer (Mr & Mrs C & Mrs A Chambers & Exton)

3rd Brenndarcy Polly Flinders (Miss B & Mr D Shannon & Storr)

Res Cornton Ruadh (Miss H M P Miller)


Limit – Bitch 7,5a

1st Winetta Who's That Girl (Mrs J Percy)

2ndBrenndarcy Be Bop Deluxe (Shannon, Storr & Culliford) (2yr old today!)


Open – Bitch 7,2a

1st Camasmor Cuairteag To Starveren (Mrs M Middlehurst)

2nd Glenchess Golden Wings (Mr S W G & Mrs E R Short)

3rd Cannwood Kasta Spell At Doonrae (Mrs J & Mr C Petts)

Res Cairngold Cedar (Mr A & Miss A, Mrs G Firth & Jones)

Vhc Curtisey Foreign Affair At Carradine (Mr M J & Mrs B Burgin


















Photographs By Alan Firth 

Border Union  June 2007 

Criticising and promoting of dogs has always been part and parcel of the dog scene and I advise all would-be-judges to listen to it – for these are the tools which play an important part in the learning game. Then use their eyes and mind at the ringside to dissect if the info is sound or not – this will further their knowledge. When called upon to judge they can only give their opinion on each dog against its peers in the same class, and later against those lined up for the final challenge. The entry on the day does play a part in arriving at the final winners - a small entry does not imply it is a quality entry, whilst a large one provides the opportunity for more quality dogs to be present – if dogs are not present, then they cannot win.

          I enjoyed the occasion and the day has left me with memories. One I will cherish is the mini revolt against my decision to judge outside, with the added threat of taking their dogs back home without being judged – believe this exhibitor lived the closest to the showground. My capitulation came about from the horror of learning that a Scottish person was going to waste the good money, paid in entry fees; my late grandfather, from Glasgow, would have turned over in his grave, if I had allowed this to have happened.

My DCC winner needs no justification; he has done sufficient winning in decent size classes, under many different judges, to have a record which speaks for itself.

The RDCC is still to mature but has more than just promise to back up my forecast of him being a future title holder.

My BCC & BOB was not only a lovely Cairn but a fortunate one. Yet, she fully deserved to gain my decision over her class rival (the RBCC winner) by having the ring presence and confidence that her competitor still has to attain.

The RBCC I simply loved; it was both a pleasure and an honour to ‘go over’ her on the table – this is one this judge would have taken home.

Best Puppy was simply that. Good coat, well-balanced, a sound mover, and most of all a sweetheart.



Minor Puppy Dog (2 - 0abs)

1st Saich’s Lindcoly Aztec Warrior wheaten shown in full coat; of a good size and nice proportions; level topline held on the move, and was one from this kennel which obeyed his handler.

2nd Burton’s Minorcas Minstrel Boy dk br who wasn’t at all sure of himself, still very much a baby.


Puppy Dog (3 – 1abs)

1st Smith’s Rocasovale Razzle Dazzle gr br of a good size carrying a thick coat to the correct specifications, these together go to making him look to be heavy; outline good; excellent masculine head with correct eye and bite; moved well. BDP

2nd Saich’sLindcoly Aztec Warrior


Junior Dog (5 – 0abs)

1stCatto’s Birselaw Daydream Believer wheaten of a good body shape; balanced proportions and shown in a good coat; turned out immaculately as one has come to expect from this kennel; had the presence and confidence of a winner; moved with drive but would have liked better muscle tone. RDCC

2nd Stephinson’s Twohoots Barnabas another good masculine wheaten dog with much to like about him; excellent head, good balanced outline with a level topline; covered the ground with confidence but today his front movement was not as I would have liked; yet, overall a very nice dog.

3rd Saich’s Kiataia Masquerade


Novice Dog (0)


Post-Graduate Dog (4 – 1abs)

1st Percy’s Winetta Jimmy Mack w br of a nice size of balanced proportions; typical Cairn head with neat ears; nice neck and shoulders with level topline and good tailset; won over 2 on movement.

2nd Saich’s Lindcoly Golden Legend red – sired by of one of our dogs, this provided added interest when going over him – found him to be of a good size; well-bodied with excellent muscle tone; having a good head, mouth and eye; would have liked better front movement but moved with drive by having well-muscled rearquarters.

3rd Burgin’s Nutshki Dark Knight for Noncom.


Limit Dog (10 – 4abs)

1st  Shopland’s Cherrycrack Mack the Knife gr br a dog that has kept the early promise which caught my eye whilst he was developing from being a puppy. Now matured into an unmistakable masculine dog with excellent balanced proportions and having been over some with poor muscle tone, it makes one appreciative to find a dog in such hard condition. Handled and showed well. Fully earned and deserved the DCC.

2nd Saich’s Lindcoly High Flyer attractive wheaten with dark points; typical Cairn head and expression; good bite; excellent neck, shoulders and front; level topline which it kept on the move.

3rd Shannon & Storr’s Brenndarcy Spellbinder


Open Dog (6 - 2abs)

1st Berrecloth’s Ch Sybster Spring Time grey brindle with good head and expression; well-bodied with good hindquarters; well-presented in good harsh coat; showed well; did enough, good enough, but not quite what I was seeking at the challenge

2nd Saich’s Hector of the Glen red with a balanced outline; good head with true cairn expression; moved well with drive; exhibitor needs the time to get the coat to show condition; but nevertheless, an attractive Cairn type to the Breed Standard.

3rd Evans Brenndarcy  Danger Mouse.



Minor Puppy Bitch (4 – 0abs)

1st Munday’s Birselaw Firebird of Stradivarius a very feminine and most promising wheaten brindle girl; for one so young it was pleasing to note of her confidence. She took the ring for granted and this showed in her relaxed free movement but this I expected from that found on the table; she is so balanced in her conformation. BP

2nd Catto’s Birselaw Just a Moment wheaten and litter sister to 1 but whilst having a really lovely feminine head she cannot match her sister’s balanced conformation and free movement; yet, there is still much to like about her.

3rd Saich’s Lindcoly I Love to Boogie


Puppy Bitch (4 – 1abs)

1st Saich’s Lindcoly She’s Got the Look wheaten brindle showed in good coat; on the table found her to be soundly constructed with good head and expression; at times found her to move soundly and has a well balanced outline; needs a handler to get the best from her.

2nd Smith’s Rocasovaale It’s Up to You litter sister to Best Dog Puppy, with good outline and of a similar type but I would like a little more space in her rear movement.

3rd Miller’s Cornton Eileanach


Junior Bitch (7 – 1abs)

1st Templeton's Larchlea Knot to be Mist, typical dk br with the balanced outline one expects from this kennel; in good coat and condition; handled and moved with confidence but rear movement not as I would have liked; but she is still a youngster, this will certainly improve as she matures, then she will be ready for higher awards.

2nd Shaw’s Honeyhall Headstrong grey brindle with good head possessing a beautiful expression; good neck, shoulders and front’ level topline but would like a touch more in the coupling to provide the balance that I seek; but that said, she was nicely presented and looked well on the move.

3rd Percy’s Winetta You’re Adorable.


Novice Bitch (3 – 1abs)

!st Petts & Jennings Doonrae Gold Digger grey brindle shown in good coat; nice balanced outline; showed well but needs a little more drive from the rear.

2nd Miller’s Cornton Riabhach still much a baby and found the task of competing against a more mature bitch to be a little daunting but the experience, under ring conditions, will have been good for her.


Post Graduate Bitch (6 – 2abs)

1st Marshall’s Strathgarten Kenmilfore Lady Marmalade light redand one I class as an honest type; not outstanding, yet a very good Cairn that is always turned out well and shows all the time; nice to go over on the table and sound on the move; I was pleased to find her to find her quality to be such as to be able to award her the first placing.

2nd Chambers & Exton’s Cairngrove Shadow Dancer. dk brindle feminine girl with pleasing head and expression; correct coat and good outline, winner was more positive on the move.

3rd Shannon & Storr’s Brenndarcy Polly Flinders


Limit Bitch (7 – 5abs)

1st Percy’s Winetta Who’s That Girl a dk red bindle who is eye-catching by her enjoyment at being in the show ring. Good to go over on the table where I found an excellent head with a delightful expression; good bite; a double coat of a quality texture; but it is on the ground with her balanced outline, alertness, and fully enjoying being in the limelight when she really catches one’s attention. CC & BOB

2nd Shannon, Storr and Culliford's Brenndarcy Be Bop Deluxe, wheaten with a good head  and lovely eyes presenting the expression that I like to see in a Cairn; excellent in neck; shoulder placement and rear quarters and so could only move with an effortless fluid action. The only suggestion which I can make is to cut her food down a little (5%); this may make her work to getting a titbit and take her attention away from all that is around – for she only lost out on ring presence.


Open Bitch (7 – 2abs)

1st Middlehurst’s Camasmor Cuairteag to Starveren really fell for her expression; wheaten of a good shape with excellent head; did all that could be expect from her and gained first placing.

2nd Short’s Glenchess Golden Wings – breeder must have envisaged her gliding around the ring when naming her; for she’s an excellent mover and show girl. Let down on the day by insufficient coat but this will come.

3rd Petts Cannwood Kasta Spell at Doonrae


Graham Peers - Judge